The Optitex program runs in a Windows environment, and is adapted to work with almost any peripheral equipment. In practice, this means that it can work with most input devices – digitizers, as well as with most printers or plotters. However, due to the specifics of the software – we recommend using plotters designed for the textile industry, with a wide working field and high printing speed.

The program consists of parts:


PDS – digitizing, construction and modeling, grading

MARK – typeface layouts, nesting and optimization


An extremely important feature of the system is its modular design. This means that each of the modules described below can be installed independently and at any time – so you can freely expand your system or change its configuration.







Enter traditional templates into computer memory using a 16-button cursor. The size and shape of the elements do not matter, as both small elements and very large elements that do not fit on the board can be digitized.


Głównymi zaletami modułu są:








Garment grading is simply defined as changing the size of the pattern. So it means that a new size of a particular garment is created. Optitex module allows grading of templates according to: girth, height and both variables using so-called grading variations. The grading process can be done in various ways:






PDS’s built-in Measuring Tailoring option allows you to quickly tailor a model to each customer’s unusual needs or for individual orders. The gauge table works closely with the item dimension table.





An innovative solution that plays a key role in the process of designing and preparing templates for production. Through virtual fitting, it allows for quick verification of the correctness of the model, and thus for almost complete elimination of costs associated with trial sewing of prototypes. It allows direct contact between the design department and the pattern shop.

Using libraries of fabrics, seams and accessories (i.e. buttons, zippers, embroidery), the designer can quickly change the appearance of the model and the properties of the fabric used, change its color or choose a completely different type. By being able to change a number of avatar parameters, it allows to check the assortment on different types of silhouettes.
Another innovative solution is the option to generate files in formats that can be attached to offers developed in standard word processors (Microsoft Office Word, Excel, Star Office and others), posted on websites, or sent by e-mail. An extremely important point here is also the fact that there is no need to install Optitex software at the contractor’s site in order to read the uploaded files, which gives the possibility of quick verification of the model by the marketing department.

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